Friday, March 25, 2011

Dr. Seuss Does Star Wars

Dear Jennifer,

A wonderful web artist, Adam Watson, has decided to see if he could sketch Dr. Seuss' version of Star Wars. It is a fantastic collection of little drawings. The one of Yoda rhyming about being 900 years old would make for a great birthday card.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Batman's "ODD"yssey

Dear Jennifer,

I'm not sure if you partake in comic book reading much, but Neal Adams has just given you a reason to start. The website Comics Alliance has developed an explanation (as much as is possible) of the totally crazy Batman Odyssey comic series. Their breakdown of the story Bruce Wayne tells to someone about the time he told a story to Robin about a story that he also was in that shows him narrating a story is amazing. This comic reads like nonsensical hilarity in these reviewers' hands.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Picture of Politeness

Dear Jennifer,

If I had lived during the Victorian period I know some things for certain: I'd be a great dresser but I'd have terrible manners when it came to visiting bathrooms on trains. It's good to know one's strengths. Play this game that Leslie emailed to us to see if you'd survive Victorian manner politics.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Attention, Scientists of Earth

Dear Jennifer,

I have stumbled across what may be the best website on the entire 'net. Not only does the brave Trey Hamburger have much to say about ghosts, aliens and alien ghosts, but also he calls Toys R Us out of the goodness of his heart and demands they stop selling Ouija boards because they are killing people.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Anything Can Be a Musical

Dear Jennifer,

Singer/Songwriters Jon and Al have a website that collects all of their amazing musical parodies of action and thriller classics like "Silence of the Lambs" and "Predator." Didn't realize that Predator would make an awesome musical? Prepare to be stunned.


Friday, February 25, 2011

TGI Duelists

Dear Jennifer,

There can never be too much referencing or parodies of The Princess Bride. Someone has gone to the great trouble of replacing the swords in the cliff top duel with, well, what Anakin would call "laser swords." Enjoy!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm finished!

Dear Jennifer,

This is a video of the 16-bit game of "There Will Be Blood" that Leslie emailed me. Watching Daniel Day Lewis' rampage in fast motion is probably better than ever playing the game myself. Enjoy!

Super There Will Be Blood from Tomfoolery Pictures on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bad bad reviews

Dear Jennifer,

Have you yet discovered the hilariously unhelpful movie reviews on This Is Not Helping? My favorite may be the person who described the film SAVED as "sac-religious."


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sophisticated Procrastination

Dear Jennifer,

When F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote "The Great Gatsby" you know he would greatly have preferred the 8-bit medium to bring people into the world of his opus. His original intent certainly would have had Nick throwing his fedora like a boomerang.