Friday, October 31, 2008

Condom ring tone!

No plays on words necessary, because the headline alone is hilarious.  For India's attempt to encourage the nation to wear condoms, Bill and Melinda Gates paid for an ad campaign that includes an a cappella group singing "Condom condom condom...dooo..dooo..wop...condom!"

The article is available at the link below, and the song itself can be accessed through a link in the article.  

Suspicious of that bag of Cheetos?

Some of this stuff you should already know (ie, unprocessed foods are generally healthier than processed foods), but there's still some interesting information on marketing strategies used by the food industry.

10 Things the Food Industry doesn't Want You to Know

Thursday, October 30, 2008

XOXO, you'd better be watching this show!!

If you are as big a fan of Gossip Girl as I am, this is a must read. The fine folks at New York Magazine's Daily Intel's column compile a reality index each week for the show (which runs Monday night, but you should know that already) which they post on Tuesdays. Then, on Fridays, they add in worthy comments for a final tally. You might have to sift a bit through their blog posts (as they totally heart Gossip Girl and post a ton about actor sightings and other related miscellanea), but really, there can never be too much. It really is the greatest show of our time.

Daily Intel's Reality Index for Gossip Girl

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There are stereotypes for a reason.

Similar to "Stuff White People Like", there's this website. It is all true.

Stuff Parisians Like

Just in case this is ever a problem.

You know, besides the obvious reasons. (Extinct and dinosaur come to mind.)

9 Reasons Not to Date a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How would you spend it?

Rob Simpson (the man who wrote the book about other uses for the trillion dollars spent on the war) has created a web site that allows visitors to go on a virtual spending spree with the amount we've spent on Iraq.

Simpson says most people don't have the stamina to even spend one trillion dollars. They get worn out and give up. He must not have tested it on cubicle jockeys.

Plus, it could be a new Barenaked Ladies song...

This is a CNN interview with writer Rob Simpson who has written a book that posits many other ways the one trillion dollars that was spent on the Iraq war could have been spent.  In case that isn't depressing enough, there is a final note in the article that says new estimates of the cost of the Iraq war quote its cost as closer to three trillion dollars.

Just in time for the upcoming election..

This might perhaps be more information than you want to know about some of our former Presidents. (SFW, even though it's off the Playboy site. Sometimes, you really do read it for the articles.)

The Presidential Sex Quiz

Monday, October 27, 2008


If this doesn't make you want to go rent "Extras" then there is just no hope for ya.  (Backstory - Ricky Gervais' character has found some success on TV and wants to be in a play directed by Sir Ian McKellan.  Sir Ian gives Ricky some acting tips).

Overmedicated Squirrels

If you need to slake your webtoon-thirst, give these crazy squirrels, and their goth caretaker, a whirl.  Most of the language is R-rated, so be careful playing these at work.  My faves include "kavorkian scarf", "squirrel songs VI", and "amityville toaster".

Not just for Quizno's

If those Quizno's commercials with the crazy animated weasel-looking things made you giggle at all, the rest of that creator's website will become indispensable procrastination fodder for you.

Some are crude, some are funny and some are just so full of happy abandon they can brighten any slow work day. I highly recommend "hedgehogs" (PG13), "ninja" (G), and "first drink of the day" (PG).

Special thanks to Dan for the find!