Friday, June 12, 2009

So, that's what Elijah Wood's been up to since Spiderman stopped filming.

Dear Meredith:

Enjoy this music video by Greg Laswell called "How the Day Sounds", filmed in Galco's, a soda shop located in Los Angeles. (Also, if this doesn't make you want soda, I don't know what will.)

Hilarious and dirrrrrrty webcomic

Dear Jennifer,

The webcomic "Something Positive" is based in Boston - so I assume you already know of its existence? If not, prepare to fall in love with the potty-mouthed heroines.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

I think the advice would work for girls too.

Dear Meredith:

This is a compilation of bits of wisdom to be passed onto your unborn children. My favorite: "If you are tempted to wear a cowboy hat, resist."

1001 Rules for my Unborn Son

The Infamous Gazebo

Dear Jennifer,

Okay, really this story is only infamous to D&D gamers, but it is still highly entertaining.

The background on Dungeons and Dragons role-playing games is that you wander around as a character who can only do certain things you have picked in advance (that awesome gladiator game you found and posted is very similar - where you only get so many points and you have to decide whether you want to pile your points up in your defense, your offense, etc.). Whenever the Dungeon Master (DM) describes your character meeting something, it's usually expected that you will have to fight it.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Like Star Maps, but from the convenience of your home.

Dear Meredith:

Have you ever been watching a movie or something on TV and wanted to know where it was filmed? This handy website tells you where all those locations are.

Where It's At

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Dear Meredith:

Skål is a Scandinavian toast. There is a very proper way to do it. From the French Culinary Institute, this series of pictures shows a variety of people skåling. Maybe we should have our own little photo session of us skåling sometime.


Spam put to good use

Dear Jennifer,

The subject lines of spam emails can be stunningly hilarious at times. One artist felt the same, and has created a website where he creates cartoons that match the subject of a spam email. The image shown to the left came from the subject line "Old Toy New Size".


Monday, June 8, 2009

I particularly like that she always wants pictures of animals doing violent things.

Dear Meredith:

In this charming, and unfortunately way-too-short blog, a child dictates what she wants her father to draw, he draws it, and then she shares her opinion. It is brilliant.

(Start at the bottom and work your way up.)

Tiny Art Director

(image from Tiny Art Director.)

Fan Trailer!

Dear Jennifer,

Every so often, there is a fan-made trailer begging hollywood to step it up and deliver. This is one such well-edited plea for a Green Lantern film. Thanks to Ethan for the find!