Friday, March 27, 2009

I don't know if I'd prefer monsters winning, or aliens.

Dear Meredith:

In honor of the movie Monsters vs. Aliens opening this weekend (which I actually want to see, if I can see it in 3-D!!!), I'm sending you this delightful little clip showing Reese Witherspoon enacting what happens in the movie with some dolls. It is so adorable how she's so excited about doing this that she totally gets into it, complete with shaking her legs in that nervous-excited way and making faces.

Reese Witherspoon tells an amusing story

More poetry!

Dear Jennifer,

If it's good enough for Christopher Walken to promote on his Twitter page, then it's good enough for us.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

If you don't like 'em, then nuke 'em

Dear Jennifer,

Let's talk for a second about websites we DON'T like. For those sites that make you a little angry, or sites that you respect deeply but still kind of want to kick in the face, use Net Disaster.

You can nuke it, set aliens on it, corrode it, shoot it, spill coffee on it, or pee acid onto it. Yes, acid pee is a choice.

Special thanks to Kemper for the find.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The things people think of...

Dear Meredith:

Gosh, I love Kim Carnes's "Bette Davis Eyes." I also love this video, in which the artist uses mascara to draw Bette Davis. It's all set to the song, of course, which is now mercilessly stuck in my head. Crap! And now may it be stuck in yours.

A letter from you!

Dear Jennifer,

While I will try to be regular with my letters to you here, you can also have control over letter receipts by visiting Future You and sending an email to your future self.

Simply create an email to yourself and then decide when to send it to you.

Who knows? Maybe your email could end up being the basis of a huge sci-fi film starring Nic Cage.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Watch the clock!

Dear Meredith:

All you have to do is hold down the button for the denoted amount of time. It is so much harder than it seems. Enjoy!

Every Second Counts

I always knew Linus was no good

Dear Jennifer,

Let's talk about comics for a second. Frank Miller is the guy who wrote and drew SIN CITY.

Okay, you're all caught up.

Here are two amazing fantasy comic book pages done by someone who wanted to see what Charlie Brown stories would look like if Frank Miller was assigned to them.

It's the panel about Charlie Brown's sister having a tragic love for Linus which will only break her heart that is my favorite. (Click on the second page at the bottom of the screen to continue)


Monday, March 23, 2009

Sweat it out.

Dear Meredith:

Need something to give you a jump start to your week? Check out this video with Kelly Ripa and Anderson Cooper, as Kelly takes Anderson through a rigorous workout routine. (It's quite funny how Anderson won't cooperate at all.) I have done some of these moves in one of my workout classes, and even though they look easy, THEY BURN. But that's a good thing, right?

How I learned to love the bomb...

Dear Jennifer,

Do you need a little more nuclear destruction in your life? How about power over the nuclear destruction of several major cities? If I know you, then the answer is yes. : )

Visit this website to play around with dropping nukes on cities and watching a computer enactment of real-life repercussions.

It's sick. It's morbid. It passes the time.

Tom found this one.