Friday, June 19, 2009

Dating is an ugly game.

Dear Meredith:

Is love indeed a battlefield? At the very least, it's sometimes a series of brutal and unfortunate encounters with others.

My Very Worst Date

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New York paper airplane flight.

Dear Meredith:

There is something quite mesmerizing about watching this paper airplane sail out the window of a 31st story window in Manhattan.

Flying from Sam Fuller on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fun with fractals.

Dear Meredith:

Click on the boxes. Watch them divide. It seems rather stupid at first, but then you find yourself clicking away, and 10 minutes later, and it doesn't seem that stupid after all.

Click bored

Keyboard Cat

Dear Jennifer,

The MTV Movie Awards were awesome this year. However, I was not familiar with "Keyboard Cat". My friend, Matt, had to rectify this. Apparently Keyboard Cat will play people "offstage" at the end of clips. Here are his top favorite "Keyboard Cat" videos on youtube:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Create a little symphony at your desk.

Dear Meredith:

Despite the rather unfortunate name of this site, it's a clever little application where you draw lines, and when the balls fall on the lines, they make sounds.


Darths and Droids

Dear Jennifer,

My newest webcomic obsession is a fake Dungeons and Dragons quest through the Star Wars movies. The jokes are aplenty and well deserved. The best part is that this is the guy tells his story using screen captions from the movies. It is all too easy to find a screen caption of an actor looking goofy. Awesome.

Darths and Droids

Monday, June 15, 2009

Aliens may have needs too.

Dear Meredith:

Are you ever in a restaurant and confused by which is the sign for the women's restroom and which is for the men's? I don't know if there will be any confusion with these...

Unusual toilet signs

Too close to home?

Dear Jennifer,

A friend in the entertainment industry forwarded this site along, but it appeals to many different groups. It's a horror stories collection from assistants. More than a few of these give me terrifying flashbacks. And yet I can't stop reading!