Every once in awhile, I want to chuck it all and dream of opening a restaurant or a bakery. Then I realize how much WORK it would all be, and get back to my paper-writing. This post, also, highlights the realities of what being a chef is like, in case you have similar delusions dreams.
There was a film editing competition a while back where editors were asked to cut trailers for famous films in a completely different genre. My favorite - and I believe this was the winner - is this trailer of "The Shining" that makes you think you're about to see a romantic comedy. Jack Nicholson's mania suddenly becomes physical humor, the dreaded hotel room door becomes heartwarming, and a creepy kiss with a dead girl becomes romantic. Amazing.
I do have a wee quibble with their conclusion (look in the comments to see what I think should actually be the accurate closing line given their argument), but seeing that this is an advertisement for French classes, I see why they ended the way they did.
I was researching a comic book artist I have recently admired and discovered that he creates animated web shorts of a comical, and dark, nature. They're amazing. The "pilot" web short spoofs action movies, later web shorts include animated gore. What more could a girl ask for?