Tired of all those ads and billboards and basically corporate advertising everywhere you look? Do what these people did - print out some huge cartoon dialogue bubbles and add your own stamp to things.
Here is a collection of well-photographed toys in adorable/hilarious/disturbing dioramas. If I knew what "Powerpig" stood for, I'd tell you the artist's name. Instead, we can only admire the art with ignorance. Thanks to Aaron for the find!
This is a charming trailer, voiced by Neil Gaiman, for a book he wrote entitled Blueberry Girl, about unconventional girls. Apparently it was written for Tori Amos's daughter, and I think that you'll enjoy it too.
Have you ever thought that 'normal' dictionaries are just too unimaginative? Well "My First Dictionary" brings a dose of disturbing reality to its definitions that I am sure you will find hilarious. Thanks to Kemper for the find!!
Not to be too macabre, but this flickr set of scanned imaged from an old German book by bre pettis shows you different ways in which you can shock yourself to death. It is actually quite humorous, and if you find yourself in such a scenario... well, I'm sorry?
Dear Jennifer, I almost dropped off the Earth, I became so obsessed with the Order of the Stick webcomic (Ethan bought me the game for my birthday). But long before I loved OOTS, I was a big fan of Questionable Content. It's kind of like "Friends" as a webcomic, only younger, and with more geek pop culture. And it's got a semi-murderous robot character called Pintsize!!!
I'm going to miss LA when I move, but you know what I'm not going to miss? THE TRAFFIC. Regardless, there's something sort of awesome about this time-lapse video created of LA. (To be fair, besides traffic, there are some other awesome shots of LA in it.)
(By the way, you should super-love this film - apparently the filmmaker had some clips on Moonlight.)
Sci-fi can be a lot of fun. But it works best when there's at least some understanding of science involved. This is not always the case. Here to poke holes in common misconceptions is Atomic Rocket. (Thanks to Matt for the link!)
This is DEFINITELY worth checking out. (Although, aren't all our links?) In the 50 States Project, a photographer from each state was chosen to take pictures of his/her state over the course of a year. Every two months, they're given a topic, and are then told to take one picture that best fits that topic. It is awesome.