One of the greatest tragedies is that I don't have cable. It's sadly true, because I know that I would watch So Much Television if I had it, and really, I don't need any more help procrastinating. But ah, this website allows me to catch up on all those television shows I don't otherwise get to enjoy. Sometimes it takes a bit for the video to load, and sometimes there is Chinese subtitling, but it's worth it. If you click on "launch resizeable window", the video will pop out into a separate window so that you can multi-task as I do, with half of my monitor open to my current paper and the other half the show of choice (currently alternating between Nip/Tuck and Weeds).
(By the way, they have Rainbow Brite and She-ra!! If only they also had the Smurfs and Scooby-Doo. My life would then have been truly complete.)